Xion1 Terms and Conditions of Sale of Goods

  1. 1. General

    These Terms and Conditions of Sale ("Terms") apply to the sale of Xion1 software products ("Product") by PT. Solusi Integrasi Teknomedia, a company governed and construed under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, having its registered office at The City Tower Lt. 12 Unit 1N, Jl. MH Thamrin No. 81 Kel. Menteng, Kec. Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10310, registered of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights with registration number AHU-0082906.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2023 to you ("Buyer"). By ordering any Product, Buyer agrees to be bound by these Terms.

  2. 2. Orders All

    orders are subject to acceptance by Seller. Seller may choose not to accept orders at its sole discretion, even after sending an Order Confirmation.

  3. 3. Pricing and Payment

    3.1 Prices for Products will be as specified by Seller and as set forth in Seller's then-current list price or order confirmation. 3.2 Payment for Products must be made in full before delivery of the Product unless otherwise agreed in writing.

  4. 4. Delivery

    4.1 Seller will deliver the Product to the location specified by Buyer. 4.2 Any delivery dates provided by Seller are estimates. Seller will make reasonable efforts to deliver the Product within the estimated time frame but is not liable for any delay.

  5. 5. Title and Risk of Loss

    The title and risk of loss for the Products pass to the Buyer upon delivery of the Product to the carrier. Seller is not responsible for any loss or damage that occurs during shipping.

  6. 6. Returns and Refunds

    6.1 Due to the nature of the software, all sales are final. Seller does not accept returns or offer refunds once the purchase is completed and the Product is delivered.

  7. 7. Warranties

    7.1 Seller warrants that the Product will conform to the specifications stated in the Product documentation for a specific period from the date of purchase. 7.2 EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES STATED HEREIN, SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

  8. 8. Limitation of Liability

    Seller's liability for any claim related to these Terms, whether in contract, tort, or any other theory of liability, shall not exceed the price paid by the Buyer for the Products. In no event will Seller be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, or indirect damages.

  9. 9. Intellectual Property

    Buyer acknowledges that all intellectual property rights in the Product and any related documentation are owned by Seller or its licensors and that nothing in these Terms constitutes a transfer of any intellectual property rights.

  10. 10. Compliance with Laws

    Buyer agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the acquisition, storage, use, and disposal of the Products.

  11. 11. Miscellaneous

    11.1 These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer and supersede all prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, negotiations, representations, warranties, and communications, both written and oral. 11.2 These Terms may only be amended or modified in a writing stating specifically that it amends these Terms and is signed by an authorized representative of each party.

  12. 12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. Any legal suit, action, or proceeding arising out of or related to these Terms or the Products shall be instituted exclusively in the courts of the Republic of Indonesia.